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Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Location, costume, props, and camerawork research

A location for my film will be a bedroom, this is where the opening shot will be, I will be using this location as it will show the twin in bed; this is when I want the audience to be under the impression that she is asleep and that is why I am using a close up shot. By using the close up shot it will allow me to deceive the audience, and not give the plot away. This is because the shot will not show the whole of her and will leave the audience questioning why? and continue to watch.
Another location will be a street, this will be used so the audience are aware to the characters whereabouts and want to know what will happen next. I will be using a vary of shots while filming in the street. I will use long shots and extremely long shots, also mid-shots and close ups. This vary of shots will give the impression of the length of the journey. the closer the twin gets to her destination the camera will work its way closer to her, or perhaps further away from her. This will keep the audience in suspense and show my knowledge of camera shots.
The last location I will use is a kitchen, this will be inside of the other twins home, this is when the plot will be discovered by the audience and they will become aware that the women are twins. It will also become apparent that she is trying to kill her sister. The kitchen will come in to play as the twin will try to kill her sister with poison, and she will by doing this by putting it into her sisters food. This is also where a range of camera shots will also be used again. The range of shots will show the emotions of the twins and will keep the audience in further suspense and keep them watching.
I will be using binary opposition theory in my film, so the costume for my characters will be: black and white. I will be using these colors as they are complete opposites and will show the contrast between the two characters. White will show innocence and purity, for the twin that is the victim; and the black will be to show evil and jealousy, this will represent the killer.
Props for my film will be; food, this will be used as the decoy for the poison,also the p
oison will be a prop. But I will not be using real poison I will be using a container with a danger sign, this is so the audience will know what it is. Another prop I will use in my film is a mobile phone this is so the victim twin will be able to take the phone call as a distraction from the poisoned
These are examples of the props I will be using in the film.

This is my props list for my film, it allows people to see what prop will be in what scene and which character will have the prop.

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